More details about all of these topics can be found in the Student Handbook and in the back to school information you'll receive from your child's teacher.
Parents will need to drop their Pre-K students off in the carline that runs from 7:40am-8:00am. Teachers and staff will be on hand to help students to their classrooms. If you arrive after 8:00am, please ring the doorbell at the main entrance (southeast corner of building) and the office staff will assist you. Drop off procedures explained.
Please come to the office at 11:30am. Promptness is important, but if you are unexpectedly late, please call the school office at 574-282-2308. More details will be available in your back to school packet.
Full day pick up occurs at 3:00pm in the regular carline next to the school (entrance from Jefferson Boulevard). Pickup procedures explained.
Here are some helpful tips for the first day of school. For Pre-K kids, please make sure your child is in their uniform, wearing shoes that can handle the mulch on the playground, and has a backpack, an extra set of clothes, a small snack that doesn't need to be refrigerated, and a lunch (for full day students who did not order lunch). Water bottles and 1 stuffed animal or blanket for rest time are fine.
You can bring your school supplies in on the first day if you missed the supply drop off at the Back to School Night. Don't forget to label your child's items with a sharpie, please.
Pre-K students wear school uniforms. The kids will be playing a lot, and we will go outside unless it's raining or too cold. Please dress your kids for inside play and outside play. Pack appropriate outerware for the season - even for playing in the snow! Please also send an extra set of clothes for your child in a labeled bag in case of an accident (you can swap them out for warmer clothes in the winter). Uniform code and ordering information.
Click here to learn what a typical day is like in the Pre-K classroom. There's lots of time to learn, play, and pray, and parents can come visit, too!
Our full day students will have rest time after lunch. Students may bring a blanket or small stuffed animal to keep at school for rest time.
Please provide a small healthy snack for your child during the first couple of weeks (nothing gooey or especially messy, please). Goldfish, pretzels, crackers, squeezy fruit pouches are all fine snacks to pack.
Milk is available for purchase with monthly lunch orders for half day and full day Pre-K. You can order 1 carton for snack time or 2 cartons if your child would like milk at snack and lunch. Milk and lunch ordering.
Healthy lunches are provided by Marian High School, and parents are able to apply for free or reduced lunch. Learn more & order here.
We love celebrating birthdays! Parents are welcome to send in a birthday treat for the class. Please notify your child's teacher ahead of time. Due to growing food allergy concerns, all multi-ingredient items brought for any celebration (birthday, school party, etc.) must be store bought and presented in the original, sealed package with ingredients listed. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping student safety a priority.
Each class needs two room parents, and we can always use help with parties, field trips, and activities throughout the year. Please contact your child's teacher if you are interested in helping.